Friday 17 December 2021

Magic's puppies page 7 -final one

 And in no time at all we were 8 weeks old!

Here we are the day before we turned 8 weeks; the 25th of November:

Some of us have lost our collars. (Or some of us had them chewed up by others!) This is me though, Purple!
I'm looking good!
Where did daddy go?
Let's have a chew of the table, it's clearly been done before.

26th of November

We are 8 weeks old and ALL grown up. Purple and Pink left for their new homes already!

Purple left to live with her new mother (who also is her half sister) Hetty, who also was Purple when she was a pup. Her name is LOUVE, or Goldmali She's The One of Pompidor.

Pink has gone to live with other dogs and will meet Louve now and then. Her name is EVIE or Goldmali She Wolf.

27th of November

Today Blue left. He's gone to live with other dogs too, some of which are Belgians. His name is GIBBS or Goldmali Salute Belshedo.

28th of November

Red and Lottie the Poodle
Green joins in

Let's get the Poodle's ears!

The ball is very popular!

Red loves the ball more than anyone else though.

How do we get up here?
And HOW did Lottie get into the window?

Green left today.

Green is now living with his cousin (sort of) Reg, he of TV fame and hoops of fire. Green is now called SNAP, or Goldmali So Long.

Later the same day White went for a journey through snow (well, English snow -that's not much) and she is now living with her half sister Holly. White is called STAR, or Goldmali Starlight. She was very tired after her journey!

29th of November

Today it was the turn of Black to leave.

 Black is living with a few other dogs -some of which have hair and some do not. Her name is SEVEN, or Goldmali Somebody To Love.

We're sure there was a cat here a moment ago.

Red with the ball, again.
A two headed puppy?
Red is learning to climb up onto people!

Red is probably the cuddliest of all the pups and John is getting a bit too attached to her.

And look at this! Red has learnt to get up onto the puppy room couch. Magic was NOT impressed -the couch was her safe spot!

30th of November

And today it was Red's turn to leave.

Red is living with a Cocker Spaniel. Her name is SKY, or Goldmali So What.

And then there was only one. Orange is all on his own -but he has other friends, of course. And Magic.

5th of December -Orange's turn to leave

Why are you rubbing a blanket on Lottie, dad?
Is that my new mum arriving?

Orange is now called ROGUE, or Goldmali Starman. He lives with a GSD friend.

And that's it. Bye bye puppies, hope you all have great lives and please keep in touch. You have all gone to excellent homes! The final, FINAL Goldmali Malinois litter.

Magic's puppies page 7 -final one

 And in no time at all we were 8 weeks old! Here we are the day before we turned 8 weeks; the 25th of November: Some of us have lost our col...